
All of SOS Orinoco’s reports on Southern Venezuela are published in this section

World Heritage Watch 2024 Report - Report on Canaima World Heritage Site

Assessment of the Biodiversity of the Eastern Region of the State of Bolívar: bases for a strategy for preserving the Guiana Shield

World Heritage Watch 2023 Report - Report on Canaima World Heritage Site


Upper Orinoco-Casiquiare Biosphere Reserve: Garimpeiro Invasion from Brazil Intensifies with Support from the Venezuelan Government

Characterization and Analysis of Some Key Socio-Environmental Variables in the Orinoco Mining Arc

2020 Report World Heritage Watch - Report on Canaima World Heritage Site

The Icabarú Mines in the Caroní River Basin: Incoherence, State-Sponsored Anarchy and Criminality

Coltan | The Venezuelan's Regime Smuggling of "Blue Gold" 2020

Update | Current Gold Mining Situation in 2020 at Canaima National Park, A World Heritage Site in Venezuela

Illegal Mining, Guerrillas & Disease in the Upper Orinoco-Casiquiare Biosphere Reserve 2019

Illegal Mining in Yapacana National Park (Amazonas, Venezuela) 2019

Illegal Gold Mining in Canaima National Park (World Heritage Site) 2018

Our position on
the Orinoco Mining Arc

Arco Minero del Orinoco

The purpose of SOSOrinoco is to shed light on the existing body of work regarding the situation in the Amazonia and Orinoquia regions of Venezuela, to raise awareness of the tragedy that is occurring and to outline some urgent measures that need to be taken in order to halt the unfolding human and environmental disaster.