

Historically, Southern Venezuela has alternated between neglect and attention on the part of Venezuelan rulers, both of which have had negative and positive results. During the past 20 years, the Chavista narcostate has shown fluctuating levels of attention particularly when both Chavez and Maduro were keen to find new sources of money.

Conflict in Catatumbo: the outcome of a 25-year partnership between Colombian guerrillas and Chavism

Statement by SOSOrinoco on parties on the summit of tepuis

Canaima World Heritage Site: Controversy at the 44th Session of the World Heritage Centre (UNESCO) in Fuzhou, China - July 16-30, 2021

Venezuelan artists join forces with SOSOrinoco in denouncing and exposing ecocide in Venezuela

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Our position on
the Orinoco Mining Arc

Arco Minero del Orinoco

The purpose of SOSOrinoco is to shed light on the existing body of work regarding the situation in the Amazonia and Orinoquia regions of Venezuela, to raise awareness of the tragedy that is occurring and to outline some urgent measures that need to be taken in order to halt the unfolding human and environmental disaster.