There’s Mining, Then There’s Illegal Mining
written by Mark E. Green
written by Mark E. Green
This research seeks to unravel the current state of affairs regarding cyanidation processes in the state of Bolívar, with the objective of estimating its true scope within the framework of the Mining Arc policy and its real contribution to the country’s current gold production. Cyanidation techniques are much more efficient, but require heavy industrial processes. […]
“planetGOLD works to make small-scale gold mining safer, cleaner, and more profitable. Our vision is a clean global supply of gold from small-scale miners.”
Report by Lisa Viscidi & Sarah Phillips, Interamerican Dialogue | May 2021
Article by Juan Gabaldón-Figueira, et al. The Lancet | May 2021
The 2016 Mining Arc decree marked a milestone in the mining history of Venezuela. This report shows the status of some important socio-environmental variables within the Mining Arc space, and analyzes their link with mining through a preliminary spatial analysis. In a “geographic information system” (GIS), we integrate documentary, statistical, cartographic, thematic data and satellite […]
Article by Tom Mustroph, Berlin Kultur | January 11, 2021
This situation report is produced by the International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO) and Global Development One (GDO). It focuses on the malaria situation in Venezuela from January 2000 to June 2019, underscoring the role that the complex humanitarian crisis has played in more recent years.
Illegal mining within the Canaima National Park in #Venezuela, a World Heritage Site designated by @unescowhc.@NicolasMaduro gov’t is responsible for this ecocide. We should raise our voices against this ecocide @UNEnvironment @UN #sosOrinoco
As the Maduro Regime attempts to maneuver around sanctions that are limiting its ability to produce revenues via PDVSA, they are trying to ramp up gold, diamond and coltan production, circumvent the Central Bank of Venezuela by smuggling these conflict minerals through Colombia, Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao and lately direct flights to Turkey, in order to export the minerals directly to Turkey and Iran.
Documentary by Miguel Yabrudes I October 28, 2018 (Spanish) I A documentary series about the Arco Minero del Orinoco, a major mining project and source of massive environmental devastation in Venezuela, which was approved by the Maduro government in 2016 in search of funds to stay in power.
Mapa de las 15 minas de oro ilegales dentro del Parque Nacional Canaima (Patrimonio de la Humanidad) Map of the 15 illegal gold mining sites inside Canaima National Park (World Heritage Site)
Our position on
the Orinoco Mining Arc
The purpose of SOSOrinoco is to shed light on the existing body of work regarding the situation in the Amazonia and Orinoquia regions of Venezuela, to raise awareness of the tragedy that is occurring and to outline some urgent measures that need to be taken in order to halt the unfolding human and environmental disaster.