This past week the presence of ELN guerrillas has been confirmed in the the town of Guasipati, Edo. Bolívar. This is far east of the border between Colombia and Venezuela, confirming what has long been suspected and rumored, that the government of Venezuela has lost control of our national sovereignty and has probably made a deal with the ELN, allowing it to make incursions way inside Venezuelan territory. This is all courtesy of the entire chain of command, starting with Nicolas Maduro and Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino Lopez, the commander of REDI Guayana, General Jesús María Mantilla Oliveros, and the governor of Bolivar, General Justo Noguera P. For a full description of the recent incursions in Guasipati please see Germán Dam … and Sebastiana Barraez …
LOSS OF NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY courtesy of @NicolasMaduro @EjercitoFANB @rediguayana @vladimirpadrino #jesusMantillaOliveros @CeballosIchaso @JustoNogueraP Presence of #ELN confirmed in Guasipati, #Venezuela! See @GEDV86 y #SOSOrinoco
— SOS Orinoco (@SOSOrinoco) May 12, 2018