Canaima National Park was created by Presidential Decree on 12 June 1961 (Decree No. 770 published on 13 June 1962) and later expanded in 1975 (Decree 1137 of 9 September 1975) and encompassing a total area of approximately 3,000,000 hectares, it was declared a World Natural Heritage Site in June of 1994 by UNESCO’s Committee of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, and subsequently this was accepted by the Venezuelan government in 1995. This is how Canaima National Park came to be added to the list of World Natural Heritage Sites, which, because of the striking natural features and values, must be preserved for all of humanity, thus assuring their protection by member countries[1]. This converts CNP into a common heritage that concerns all of humanity, thus obligating the Venezuelan State to preserve, guard and share its natural values and scenic beauty. Canaima National Park is part of the Guiana Shield, dating back to the Precambrian Age and contains rock formations (tepuyes) considered to be among the oldest geological age on the planet. renowned for its biodiversity (“…contains the most important and significant natural habitats for in-situ conservation of biological diversity, including those containing threatened species of outstanding universal value from the point of view of science or conservation”) and of course, the highest water fall in the world, Angel Falls.
[1] https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/
Please view the videos below that confirm fears of increasing illegal mining sites, illegal 5 star tourist lodge Arameru Lodge – Hugo Chavez’ daughter is rumored to be an investor – inside Canaima National Park, a World Heritage Site.
Video shows illegal mining, deforestation & illegal tourist lodge @aramerulodge. Hugo Chavez’ daughter @Maby80 an investor? #narcostate destroys WORLD HERITAGE SITE @UNEnvironment @IUCN_PA #SOSOrinoco pic.twitter.com/Ab45gwCeC2
— SOS Orinoco (@SOSOrinoco) June 9, 2018